Here you will find the most important answers to your questions

What is the purpose and form of the research project?

The purpose of the project is to identify career paths taken by UJCM’s graduates; to learn their opinions on the quality of teaching offered by the university courses completed by them, with particular focus on the usefulness of the learning outcomes in starting and continuing their professional work or other career path; to identify elements that have been insufficiently addressed during their studies and the factors (both personal and related to course curricula) affecting the success on the labour market.
The research project will also help to prepare guidebooks and information for students, doctoral students, graduates, etc. on career development possibilities and requirements of the Polish labour market.
The research project is in the form of a survey which will be conducted three times, in an electronic form, at the time of granting the consent to participate and then six and 18 months after completion of the studies or compulsory placement/traineeship.

What will I be asked to do?

You will be asked to grant your consent for us to have access to the data concerning your studies at UJCM, which you are about to complete this year, and to provide information (via electronic survey) on your expectations as to your future professional career. Two follow-up surveys will be conducted approximately six and 18 months after your graduation / completion of compulsory placement, to gather information on your current professional situation and your opinion on the usefulness of the studies you completed in your professional career.
In order to be able to send you the follow-up electronic survey after your graduation, we will also ask you to provide us with your contact details (e-mail address and telephone number).

How much time will I need to devote to take part in the research project?

Participation in the research project consists in completing an electronic survey at three points of time:
– > a short four-question survey conducted at the time of granting your consent to participate in the project
-> a follow-up survey approx. six months after completion of your studies/placement – completing the follow-up survey will take approx. 20 minutes
-> a follow-up survey approx. 18 months after completion of your studies/placement – completing the follow-up survey will take approx. 20 minutes

Will I or others benefit from my participation in the research project?

Your participation in the project will enable us to gather data on possible career paths of UJCM’s graduates and to identify factors affecting their success on the labour market. The project outcomes will also be used to prepare guidebooks and information on career development possibilities for future graduates. We will also learn the graduates’ opinions on the usefulness of skills and competences taught at UJCM and on additional competences sought by employers, which will help us to better tailor the curricula of individual courses to the market needs and expectations.

Does the research project involve any direct risk or hazard?

The project is conducted in the form of a survey and does not involve any direct risk. You will be asked to devote some of your time to complete three electronic surveys.
You will be also asked to provide your contact details which will be stored in compliance with applicable data security procedures in place at the UJCM and used only in connection with the project.

Will I learn the research outcomes?

All outcomes of the analyses and procedures described above will be made available in the form of publications and reports.

Will the research outcomes be communicated to the general public, e.g. to students, graduates, other researchers?

The aggregate results of the research will be used to prepare reports / guidebooks / summaries and published in the form of articles or conference papers. The information contained in publications or presentations will not enable identification of any individual participant.

What will you do with my data after project completion?

Only selected members of the project team will have access to your full data, including personal data. After completion of the project, the data will by anonymised, which means that no one, not even the research team members, will be able to relate the data gathered during the project with your personal data. Your anonymised data may also be incorporated in other related research projects, such as trend analyses or long-term comparative studies.

Can I withdraw my consent to participate?

Participation is voluntary and you are not obliged to participate. If you decide to take part in the research project, you can withdraw your consent ant any time without stating your reasons for doing so.
If you withdraw your consent, all the data provided by you will be deleted from the project database or anonymised (partial data), as decided by you when withdrawing from the project.
You can withdraw your consent personally by visiting the Division for Education and Academic Careers [biuo Sekcji ds. Dydaktyki i Karier Akademickich CM], ul. 7 Św. Anny 12, 31-008 Kraków, via e-mail sent to absolwenci.ujcm@uj.edu.pl, or via ordinary mail sent to: Biuro Sekcji ds. Dydaktyki i Karier Akademickich CM, ul. 7 Św. Anny 12, 31-008 Kraków.
Removal of your data from the project database will not be possible after completion of the project and anonymisation of your data, as at that stage the researches will no longer be able to identify individual participants.

May I tell others about my participation in the research project?

Yes, you may tell others about your participation. For instance, you may give them contact details of the Principal Investigator. They may then contact the Principal Investigator to discuss their participation in the research project.

Who should I contact if I have any questions or doubts?

If you have any questions or doubts that need to be addressed before you make your decision whether to take part in the project or not, you are welcome to contact Mr. Marek Bauer from the Division for Education and Academic Careers at the following e-mail address: absolwenci.ujcm@uj.edu.pl or telephone number: +48 12 422 42 48.
Should you have any complaints or objections concerning ethical aspects of this research project, you are welcome to contact the UJ’s Bioethical Committee which have approved the project. All issues mentioned by you will be treated as confidential.

Will I be insured against undesired incidents during the project?

Due to the nature of the project, no insurance is required.